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It's a boozy Bond time with Lyric's 'Wine Stain'

Fresh off two wins at this year's Gold Coast Music Awards, local musician Lyric is continuing her streak of success with her latest track and video 'Wine Stain', an epically dramatic number that shows off the talented songstress' impressive vocal chops and acute creative vision.

We caught up with Lyric to talk all things 'Wine Stain', inspirations and keeping her vocals nice and healthy.

We absolutely love 'Wine Stain'! What inspired this story / lyric?

This song actually started out as a writing exercise where I was trying to write a Bond theme song, so that's what inspired the idea of the track! I then continued on with that cinematic theme and decided to write about what it would feel like to fall in love with a villain, which felt like something from a movie plot. It was really fun to write about something so dramatic and fantastical and step away from myself and the real world for a change.

The video is just gorgeous. What has the reaction been to it so far?

The reaction has been absolutely amazing, I'm so glad that everyone has liked the music video as much as I do. In my eyes, the music video really brings the entire song together and perfectly captures the visual aesthetics of the world I was building inside my head while I was writing the song. I adore it.

Do you have any memorable / funny moments from filming that you’d like to share?

The final shot of the music video actually took us a number of tries to get right because my friend Adam couldn't put out the candle properly with his fingers hahah. My little sister also had to stand under an umbrella frantically guarding the very expensive lights we were using because it started raining during the outdoor shots, and she very much did not appreciate being put under that amount of pressure.

Do you think you’ll be going down a darker / more atmospheric path now, or was this something you just felt like exploring for this particular song?

It is something I just felt like exploring with this song and have always been interested in, but I do really love how it sounds and can definitely see myself incorporating more cinematic and atmospheric elements into my songs in the future because of it.

Who are some of the female musicians that inspire you?

Gracie Abrams, Taylor Swift, Renee Rapp, Lana Del Rey, Olivia Rodrigo, Lorde

What was your role on the production side of ‘Wine Stain’?

I produced 'Wine Stain' entirely myself, and it was such a fun one to make because I got to use so many cool sounds that I'd never really played with before. There are some awesome, powerful synth noises in the song and a beautiful set of strings which were really nice to work with, and I think it took me about a month all up to get the song fully produced, recorded and mixed.

Your voice is next level. Have you had professional musical training?

I hadn't had any professional voice training until really recently, but now it's been so cool to learn more about vocal techniques and ways for me to sing my songs better in recordings and on stage, and just also learn how to not damage my voice in the long run haha.

Tell us a bit about your writing process

It usually either starts with me on an acoustic instrument, or me with a production loop that I've created, and then I come up with either a hooky melody that I like, or a hooky lyric - and go from there. I often find myself starting with the chorus of a song and then fleshing out the verses afterwards, but ultimately it changes from song to song and there's really never just one specific way I do it.

What did your wins at the GCMAs this year mean to you?

It meant SO much to me. I'd never won anything for my music before, so to get recognition for it and know that people like what I make enough to vote for it really just means the absolute world. It was such a special night.

Who are the Gold Coast acts that you’re really jamming to at the moment?

My girl Bella Amor is absolutely killer, I've also been loving Logan lately his songs are so epic, and Tomorrow's Forecast are the absolute coolest!

What’s next for you this year?

I've got some really exciting gigs coming up that I'm not able to talk about just yet but am SUPER pumped for, but hopefully a bunch more writing and producing to get some new songs in the tank! I had a jammed packed past few months where I wasn't able to do as much writing/producing as I usually like to, so really want to leave some more time for that in the end of the year.

Is there anything else you’d like people to know?

That they should totally go and stream 'Wine Stain' for a hug n kiss from me ;)

'Wine Stain' is out now via all the usual channels. Follow Lyric on socials for more.

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